Sunday 8 March 2015


I think I've just seen one of the really good films that I have seen.
It's not a good film since the characters were completely bankrupt of any soul. You seen the hunger games? Well on a spiritual level at least the bad guys there were NASTY and the good guys had something. This doesn't even seem to be that.
But something that is notable about the main character and those whom he closely reflects, is that he doesn't have a soul or any of his own energy. He is trying to get an honest conversation or sexuality from his wife who he is lying to; and the person he meets at the end, his killer. Also has this problem. It's like they are opposites. One dirt poor and one probably the richest guy in the world, and they both have the same problem.
This is also underlied by some of the other characters. He has none of his own energy. He is relying on other peoples. Therefore he, quite justifiably, doesn't feel alive.
Something to think about.

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