Thursday 14 April 2016

Charging the new world.

Michelle Fields has to drop her case,

... this is very good news, against this kind of whiny 'tyranny of the vagina' (the woman, or female 'soft' perspective, is never wrong... Alpha males are misogynists hence bad and always wrong); that has been secured in our media narrative.

I also was interested to read the Benjamin Fulford plans to prosecute the Japanese Prime Minister for negligence. This is important against some of the kind of love and light narrative of some of the new age.

Yes, those people who have been wronged by the establishment and these people do deserve justice. Corey deserves to be able to prosecute Fields, and Fulford deserves to be able to prosecute Shinzo Abe if he can be proved culpable.

With any luck, the new people that gain power won't be able to ignore the 'grassroots victims' just like the modern patronising left do!

Good times.

However, I am NOT happy about Vote Leave getting the designation for the official Leave EU group. I do see them as unpolarised, as being partly good and partly bad. It is a shame we cannot vote on the official Leave EU group as the Americans vote on their party leaders. That part of democracy has been stolen from us!

'The electoral commission is there to ensure a fair election'...


... and Islam is a religion of peace.

With any luck the negative will collapse to such an extent that the toxicity and double planning in Vote Leave can be rooted out, along with the same sort of thing in all segments of society.

If the DOW goes above 183 (it is currently at 179), it essentially disproves my lightning strike idea at least a little. Since according to that it cannot again go up to 18312 (the previous intraday high).

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