Thursday 9 June 2016

EU ref day -13 and 6th density peeps.

These are people that I think are 'sixth density' to use a Law of One term:

A) Lauren Southern
B) Stefan Molyneux
C) David Icke
D) Boris Johnson
E) Russell Brand

Now, in writing this blog in my head I came out with a lot of very honest ideas, but as I write this I feel the souls of those involved next to me, and I will not expand on some parts of those ideas.

The thing with sixth density peeps is that they have a deep connection to the world around them that supersedes some of the wisdom of a fifth density entity. Now if you look at fifth density entities, people such as Paul Joseph Watson (classic fifth) and Nigel Farage, the fifth density is arriving at a different heart of the matter to the sixth density.

To the sixth density culture matters a great deal, parenting and the future regarding children etc. matters a great deal, and their is something implicitly loving about that. They will say to you things like it is your responsibility to have kids or have healthy relationships and the love to me is that they are not allowing you to disengage with the positive aspects of human relationships.

However, fifth density, David Wilcock is included in this, usually looks at things sociologically, and when confronted with ideas about human relationships will often change the viewpoint to what is strategically important for this sort of cold war 2 we are now in.

Stefan Molyneux, Lauren Southern and Boris Johnson remind me very strongly of people I know/ have known in my life. When I am dealing with six density entities there is a layer of emotional depth that I cannot relate to. Stefan Molyneux recently had a long honest conversation with a Hispanic on his youtube channel and I could tell the second I heard his voice that this man was also sixth density and that the interview would be very long because the sixth density caller would be relating with the emotional depth of that density, with 'love', to Stefan (rather than the fifth density that has a weight on compassion)... This is precisely what happened. Stefan repeatedly went on rants about his frustration in dealing with some modern sociological facts whereas to a previous fifth density caller there was no real connection and this could not have happened (the caller from Puerto Rico). Stefan was trying to find his way!

So there are natural limitations to wisdom the sixth density experiences through the emotional depth they experience (I definitely have to qualify in my opinion here based on what I am going to follow up with). For instance, Stefan Molyneux talks about Venezuela as a problem regarding socialism BUT wherever oil is involved carnage soon follows for instance, Syria and it's oil pipeline and Africa. Oil is FUNDAMENTAL to keeping the establishment going at the moment (Crude ramps on the DOW) and the left wing idea that the Americans are screwing over the Venezuelans due to some financial agenda (including gold) is not at all unlikely.

That though is strategic wisdom that has no emotional relation to the depths of thought that are included in discussions about the merits of socialism and why people are so committed to it and so it is missed. (In the fictional book the crucifixion of Esmerelda Sweetwater there is a character who is obsessed with 'oranges'. (Orange ray!) who explains socialism quite neatly! I think of this and realise this is true about them more and more.)

EU referendum:

My mother, (not unrelated to the last section) my mother has turned to an 'in' vote on the EU. In these trying times I feel people's real self is coming out in a strong way and the decisions they have made in their life thus far are weighing in to position them perfectly for the coming events.

I always felt it was strange my mother was 'out' since she listens to the BBC and has a socialist leaning, which is admittedly only skin deep she was the one who strongly encouraged me to work hard when I was young, however, the socialist leaning is still there.

This is the most important thing though in relation to the EU in my view. I love this video deeply and see eye to eye with this man. He very adroitly explains the purpose of the referendum:

From talking to just normal people (like real normal people, not just friends but everyday people on the streets), I think the establishment (especially ITV types who recently had a marathon of anti Farageness after he debated on ITV) the establishment does not realise that many many people consider Nigel Farage more than a politician but as an actual hero who 'speaks it like it is'. The negativity they are pushing on this man will start to come back at them more from this moment in my opinion.

Personal note:

The money situation I talked about yesterday has turned out just bizarre, money turned up on the computer after having left the 'cash' for no apparent reason. We are having computer problems at work at the moment.

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